McClendon has now learned what it means to "ask" for something for Christmas, which stresses me out a little more than it should. Okay, a lot more than it should. Things he has "needed" in the past week or so include an airplane from the airport, Cheetah Girls (the actual girls to cheer him on as he plays soccer), a Star Wars light saber and an Elmo Live character (which he no longer watches but informed me we could get one at Wal-Mart). None of which will be under the tree on Christmas and he doesn't play soccer.
However, I've decided that all we really needed to get him was a copy of The Polar Express and a new pair of pajamas. They seem to be the highlight of his day several times recently. Just thought I'd share a pic so you can see just how fine the boy feels in his new pj's. Maybe his contentment will rub off on his mommy one of these days.