Monday, January 26, 2009

Why We Really Had McClendon.....

Not really, NOT REALLY!!!! But you have to admit, it's pretty cute. Not to mention helpful. I got this lightweight cordless vac yesterday to help with the constant chore of keeping our floors half-way decent. Since I was cleaning house last night, all McClendon could talk about was helping me by using "his" vacuum. When I finished my part of the cleaning, I had to sneek a peek to see what he was doing and found him vacuuming his own floor. And obviously, he's loving it!

To really top it off, about 4:30 this morning I woke up to hear him screaming in his sleep, "NO, I WANT TO BACUUM. I WANT TO BACUUM." Even that early Matt and I were laughing out loud at our little helper.


Kelli Archer said...

Now that's your 2 year old to vacuum your house! Can he teach Grayson to do that? Too cute...miss ya friend!

Mrs. Mac said...

That's awesome! I gotta get me one of those (kids)!